Parvulari Nostra Senyora -Since 1962-
The child as a builder of his own learning - Children 8 months a 6 years
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Welcome to Parvulari Nostra Senyora
The prestigious teacher and pedagogue Meri Rutllant opened in 1962 with the hope of transmitting to children the desire to learn and accompany mothers and fathers in this wonderful and very important adventure that is to educate a child.
We sought a comprehensive education that included all facets of the child's personality, being aware that it is in the early years where children experience more significant changes in less time, and it is important to accompany them in this progressive maturation of their personality and discovery. Of the world. At first it was inspired by the Montessori methodology, over time the pedagogy of listening to Dr. Tomatis and the influence of Reggio Emilia have been defining an educational project where family, child and school form a great team where they all grow up together. .
Spend time on IMPORTANT THINGS where all girls and boys find a cozy space where they can grow up happy accompanied by close, observant and respectful professionals who know how to offer the child what he needs at all times.